How to Force Unmount an NFS

Changethefileidsizefrom64-bitsto32-bitsinNFSServer,thereisstalefilehandleerrorandbelowmessagesin/var/log/messages.,IinvariablyendupwithabunchofStalefilehandleerrorsonthemountsacrossallmyclientswhichforcesmetohavetomanuallyunmountandremountmy ...,...。參考影片的文章的如下:


What causes stale NFS file handles?

Change the file id size from 64-bits to 32-bits in NFS Server, there is stale file handle error and below messages in /var/log/messages.

NFS Stale File Handle After NFS Server Reboots

I invariably end up with a bunch of Stale file handle errors on the mounts across all my clients which forces me to have to manually unmount and remount my ...

How do I fix the root cause of a stale NFS file handle?

with respect to NFS protocol, Stale file handle means that the filehandle that client is referring is no longer a valid one on NFS server. In ...

Resolving Stale File Handle Error on Linux Systems (KBA1037)

Resolution · Ensure no processes are accessing the mount point(s) by using lsof and searching the stale mount point: · Check what the PID is doing ...

Automatically Resolve NFS Stale File Handle Errors

The answer is any change in the mounted file's underlying inode, disk device, or inode generation on the NFS server causes an NFS stale ...

What does 'stale file handle' in Linux mean? - unix

You get a stale file handle message because you asked for some nonexistent data. When you perform a cd operation, the shell reevaluates the inode location.

mount.nfs: Stale file handle的解决方法转载

VMware下Fedora9与tiny210的NFS配置​ - 若出现“Stale NFS file handle”警告,可以使用`umount -f`强制卸载,然后重新挂载解决。 完成上述步骤后,你就成功配 ...

Stale NFS file handle after reboot - linux networking

The stale NFS handle indicates that the client has a file open, but the server no longer recognizes the file handle. In some cases, NFS will ...

mount.nfs: Stale file handle error

Stale file handle error means that the NFS server holds an old version of the files in his export path . An NFS server restart can sometimes help. But with older OSs (RHEL/CentOS 6.9) it is sometimes better to revert to NFS3 instead of NFS4.

Stale NFS File handle : rhomelab

I keep getting Stale file handle errors from different apps in a VM that runs Docker. The full setup is - Proxmox server, Debian 9 LXC container that has NFS ...


Changethefileidsizefrom64-bitsto32-bitsinNFSServer,thereisstalefilehandleerrorandbelowmessagesin/var/log/messages.,IinvariablyendupwithabunchofStalefilehandleerrorsonthemountsacrossallmyclientswhichforcesmetohavetomanuallyunmountandremountmy ...,withrespecttoNFSprotocol,StalefilehandlemeansthatthefilehandlethatclientisreferringisnolongeravalidoneonNFSserver.In ...,Resolution·Ensurenoprocessesa...